By Todd Burpo With Lynn Vincent While I am sure many will wonder if this is a true story it is a wonderful story of a four year old boy that is misdiagnosed and almost dies before making a full recovery. Months later while passing the hospital his dad asks if he would like to go back to the hospital while they are there. Colton, his son, begins to talk about his experience with being in heaven with Jesus while he is there to the surprise of his parents. The book is about the next several years as he describes people that he met in heaven, people that had died long before he was born and he knew nothing about. This included a miscarried baby that his mother had lost before he was born and he had never been told about. He talked about his grandfather that had died in a car accident in 1961 and can identify him from a photo when he is a young man. His dad is a pastor and will share his story of faith struggle during Colton's illness and his journey of trying to learn Colton's story without influencing what Colton remembered. In this story you will see this young boys experience with heaven, God, Jesus, angles, those that have died and what he learned. I found the story compelling and a quick read that will make you think of many questions and maybe answer a few. It is a book worth reading.